
About Scania

Scania AB is a major Swedish manufacturer headquartered in Södertälje, focusing on commercial vehicles—specifically heavy lorries, trucks and buses. It also manufactures diesel engines for heavy vehicles as well as marine and general industrial applications.


renew a business critical system

During the testing process, which is part of Scania's research and development process, vast amounts of information is gathered. The tool for collecting, processing, and analyzing the test results needed to be renewed. Scania wanted to leave the old mainframe environment and create a modern solution with a uniform user interface.


heavy-duty developers

Binero contributed some of the heaviest development competencies in the project, including a software architect and a developer who had crucial roles, according to Rim Yaacoub, who has been project manager at Scania for the entire program that lasted six years. She says the collaboration worked incredibly well.

During the testing process, information is being processed between many different systems, and there were many connections and dependencies to take into account when creating the new solution.

-It was no easy match but we got the skills we needed from Binero to solve our needs. The availability of consultants was great. They had a pragmatic attitude and were always prepared to change and improve the solution even more when needed, said Rim Yaacoub.

When we realized that we needed external support, we found Binero. Their consultants helped solve our challenges with forward-looking software architecture, integrations and usability. It became a very agile and good way of working where developers and claimants could work together, do demonstrations and communicate with users in a good way.

Rim Yaacoub, Project manager at Scania



valuable tool for thousands

Altogether, 3,500 people work with the test system daily. Most of them are in Sweden, but also hundreds of employees in Brazil. They have now received a valuable and effective solution that facilitates entire life cycle management, from ordering, building, unpacking, testing and finally scrapping the items. Everything so that Scania will be able to continue bringing the best trucks to a demanding market.

- We had a very smooth dialogue. It was a complex application we came up with, and such a mission requires a little more seniority, and we got it.

Woman with ipad checking a lorry. Kvinna med ipad kontrollerar en lastbil.
Working on a computer in front of a Scania lorry. Man arbetar på en dator framför en Scania-lastbil.

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