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Swedish cloud services

High-performance cloud solutions and digital IT infrastructure

Binero enables sustainable digital development for companies and organizations with qualified needs in a wide range of cloud and IT infrastructure solutions. 

Whether you want to use your own hardware, colocation, or run your applications in our public cloud, we offer secure and straightforward Swedish cloud services from our data center outside Stockholm.

Illustration of generic cloud.
Data servers connected to a Swedish flag. Dataservrar anslutna till en svensk flagga.

Swedish cloud services at Binero IT

Our local solutions are great for companies that either want to manage their IT independently, or need assistance with everything from design and IT infrastructure to implementation and platform operation. Our services are provided from our own climate-certified data center in Sweden, ensuring the highest standards of data integrity and sustainable digitalization.

Openness and freedom of choice are our guiding principles, and that's why our Swedish cloud services are built on OpenStack. This ensures you get a tailored cloud solution that is cost-effective, flexible, and worry-free. All data stored with us is managed exclusively in Sweden and is subject to Swedish legislation and GDPR.

Are you interested in our public cloud as a private cloud? We make it happen!

IaaS och PaaS from the same provider

Binero's customers benefit from well-proven, EU-compliant, modern cloud solutions that are easy to scale, and enhance. We deliver infrastructure and platform as a service (IaaS and PaaS) with associated services, all from our climate-certified data center north of Stockholm.

Infrastructure as a Service

Our Swedish public cloud service, Binero Cloud, is delivered primarily from our own state-of-the-art data center in Stockholm. It is easy to get started and use our OpenStack-based Swedish cloud service in our portal or via API. Our documentation will help you on your way!

We are ISO 900114001 and 27001 certified, as well as holding the Fossil Free Data global climate certificate.

Platform as a Service

Binero empowers sustainable digital development with both self-managed and fully managed container platforms.

Leverage the power of containerization and Kubernetes to keep your development teams moving at the speed required for modern system development. This approach offers an incredibly efficient way to maintain, upgrade, and scale your applications seamlessly.

We take care of the operation of your container platform regardless of whether your cluster resides in your environment or the cloud.

Cloud services on a Swedish cloud for those with a rapid pace of development and innovation

Security and Privacy

Our cloud services are designed to support rapid development without compromising on security or data integrity.

Time to Market

We accelerate your time to market by eliminating technical constraints and providing close collaboration on customized, cost-effective cloud solutions.

Continuous Development

We continuously add new functionalities and services to our portfolio, based on your current needs and the latest technology trends.

Flexible Cloud Solutions

We deliver our cloud platform as a public cloud in a simple pay-as-you-go model, as well as managed clouds where our specialists assist with everything from preliminary studies to maintenance.


Use our price calculator to see how much you can save with Binero Cloud.

Abstract illustration of Cloud services. Abstrakt illustration av Molntjänster.

Contact us

Do you have questions about cloud services? Consult our specialist or fill in the form and we will get back to you directly.

Ask our specialist about cloud services


John Josefsson

Sales Director


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