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  5. Managed OpenShift and Swedish cloud – Red Hat event

managed OpenShift and Swedish cloud

As a premier partner at Red Hat, last Tuesday we had the opportunity to participate in the Red Hat Open Tour to talk about our managed OpenShift and Swedish cloud services.

A perfect opportunity for us to meet end customers, other partners and Red Hat to further discuss the challenges and needs of open source technology in various industries.

Some things we take with us from the fair are that Red Hat's technologies and open source are gaining more and more ground in both the public and private sectors. Which makes us happy and proud to be able to deliver our managed and cloud services built on open source.

If you want to know more about our managed OpenShift container platform, you can read here or reach out to us and we will be happy to tell you more.

If you are new to OpenShift, you can also sign up for our intro course for OpenShift. 

About Binero

Binero offer high-performance Swedish cloud services and digital IT infrastructure from our climate-certified data center.

Binero's customers benefit from well-proven, EU-compliant and modern cloud solutions, which are easy to both scale and further develop. We deliver infrastructure and platform as a service (IaaS and PaaS) with the associated service portfolio, from our climate-certified data center north of Stockholm.

IaaS och PaaS from the same provider, built on open source and open standards.

Talking about Red Hat open source on a stage. Pratar om Red Hat open source på en scen.
Business fair with visitors. Företagsmässa med besökare.
Binero booth with visitors. Bineromonter med besökare.

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