Binero public cloud

High-performance cloud services for sustainable digitalization

Binero's customers benefit from well-proven, EU-compliant and modern cloud solutions, which are easy to both scale and further develop. Our modern infrastructure service is based on the market-leading Openstack platfrom.

Illustration of a cloud with five stars above, and checklist in front. Illustration av ett moln med fem stjärnor över, och checklista framför.
  • Environmentally friendly - all excess is reused
  • Flexible - adapt to your needs
  • GDPR complaint - data is protected by Swedish law and GDPR

Do like the world's leading developer and use OpenStack

OpenStack has grown to become the world's most widely used open source cloud platform. As one of the three most actively developed open source projects on the planet, it brings together thousands of developers from over 180 countries.

We believe in open standards

We at Binero are passionate about openness and flexibility. Therefore, we have built a high-performance and scalable cloud service based on OpenStack. Through open source code and open APIs, OpenStack contributes a common, open standard that allows you as a customer to move between different cloud environments. In other words, you avoid locking yourself into specific suppliers' technology.

The advantages of OpenStack

Open source code and open standards are an important success factor and an obvious choice for many of the world's leading digital companies. If you're still wondering about the benefits of OpenStack, here are some reasons why you should also take advantage of the platform.

With OpenStack you get

The power of an entire community

OpenStack is built by a group of developers from many different companies, from all corners of the world. Companies that are usually competitors in the market work together in a community, to find the best common solution for their customers. By using OpenStack you avoid being in the hands of a single supplier and completely dependent on the supplier's decisions. When people work and develop together, it also leads to shared knowledge and better solutions!

Speed of innovation

New ideas flourish, interested developers contribute, and when the feature or service is mature, it is released as part of an OpenStack release. The speed at which ideas turn into mature code is impressive. You don't have to wait for bureaucratic and slow business decisions - this is software development in its purest form!

High security

The code is reviewed by several experienced developers, and the fact that the code is public makes it much more secure. All backdoors, spyware and other forms of vulnerability can be quickly detected. At in-house software companies, instead, code review is limited to a limited number of employees, and it therefore takes longer to discover security vulnerabilities.

No lock-in effect

Since the software is developed and maintained by many companies, it gives you the freedom to decide who you want to work with. You are not locked into a solution just because your vendor is the only vendor that supports it.

  • 75 public data centers are powered by OpenStack
  • 20 million physical CPU cores distributed worldwide
  • 10+ years of development
  • 3rd most active open source project
  • 8,000+ individual developers

Open APIs and maximum flexibility

OpenStack offers everything you need for a cloud infrastructure. The same software meets the needs of everything from small start-ups to large global organizations. You can create and manage your virtual infrastructure with advanced functionality and capabilities. You can provision virtual machines, virtual storage blocks, virtual networks connecting these, virtual load balancers, virtual routers... All using an open API that allows you to automate the entire process. And if you don't want to automate, you just use the GUI, the user interface, to do exactly what you want.

Openstack logo and icons of what it enables. Openstack logga och ikoner för vad det möjliggör.
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emil cloud expert and customer manager of binero clients

Emil Rydin

Customer manager

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