Data Storage

Data storage is a matter of both security and performance

At Binero, you can both store and secure large amounts of data. We guarantee that your data is stored in Sweden and compliant with GDPR, which means that you can safely place sensitive data with us.

Illustration of a cloud with servers in.
  • Fast object storage
  • Disaster recovery
  • Veeam cloud connect
Workshop with the customer. Workshop tillsammans med kund.

Why store my data with Binero?

We offer several different forms of data storage. Everything from lightning-fast object storage for applications, to backup as a service and disaster recovery solutions. For most people, data storage is primarily about security and secondarily about available space.

Years of experience

Binero has extensive experience with different storage solutions and can deliver combinations of different protocols, at the right performance level for the right cost. Data security is of course always top priority in our solutions.

Having a backup of important data is always highly recommended. Losing all data is often associated with great difficulties for a company - the solution for many is different models of backup. Traditional backup of data is a relatively cost-effective solution and adds several advantages in addition to securing a total data loss.

Prevent data loss

Unfortunately, even backup can sometimes be insufficient, for example if the backup is stored on the same platform (local backup) - or in the same data center - as the primary data. Accidental deletions can happen, your system can be breached with access to even backups, and could, although unlikely, be destroyed or burned down to the ground. In any case you need to be able to rely on solutions other than traditional backup - namely so-called Disaster Recovery (DR).

Disaster recovery is not primarily about minimizing risk, but rather about planning for - and having a solution for - the worst, as well as being aware of how long it takes to recover from a disaster.

How do I get started with data storage with binero?

Create an account in our public cloud service and start using the object storage service right away. It's quick and easy!

All new accounts are topped up with SEK 1000 to use resources for.


Create account

Businessmen sitting on a park bench discussing something on a screen. Affärsmän sitter på en parkbänk och diskuterar något på en skärm.

Reduce risks with the human factor

Users sometimes make mistakes. It could be an accidental deletion of a file (or worse – a directory tree) or a system upgrade that didn't do what it promised. In the worst case, even sabotage or viruses. This type of problem is not always detected at once and does not affect the system as a whole. Even if the system has access to a replication in another location or is distributed across multiple nodes, the deletion can still follow, because the system cannot determine what is considered an "okay change" of the data (as long as the person making the change has rights). Some time later, when the error is noticed, there is often no way to go back without a well-configured backup.

The backup is stored separately

The backup should be stored separately from the primary data, and also with minimal rights and integration to reduce the risk that even backups could be affected by a possible breach. We have good models on platform and infrastructure layers to solve this and thereby separate the backup from the customer's platform and system. Backup in many forms is also a type of versioning of a data set. If you need to do a selective recall of, for example, a file - or for that matter recall an entire server - from a certain date, you can trust that the data is on the backup!

java code

Veeam cloud connect 

Binero works with Veeam Cloud Connect, among other things. It is a system where you as a user utilizes space in our cloud to use the "Veeam Backup and Replication" software both from customer-placed equipment - so-called On premise - via the internet and/or from one of our computer halls, to take backups both on physical and virtual machines, fully automated.

You can restore all or parts (i.e. files) of the machine. Of course, we help you get started and assist you during the platform's life cycle with guidance and support.

Do you want to know more about how you can work with backup as a service? Reach out to us in the form below!

Logo for software that enables efficient data storage. Logga för mjukvara som möjliggör effektiv datalagring.

Object Storage - store large amounts of objects in the cloud

Object storage is a form of storage that does not require a traditional connection to a volume and server, but makes it possible to store and retrieve data directly over the web via an API.

The solution is perfect for storing large amounts of objects, such as documents, photos, video, installation files, in the cloud in a scalable and efficient way, as you don't have to think about growing storage volumes or servers that handle this.

We offer object storage as a self-service in our public cloud, but also within managed services where we advise and help you as a customer to implement object storage in the best way.

The most common uses include file backups, off-site backups, application data, streaming services or versioned replication.

Object storage is perfect for unstructured data - data that you just need to store and later retrieve. You will store your data in a container (OpenStack) or a bucket (AWS S3). You can decide at any time who should have access to the data you store, and make content public or private when you need it.

Read our article about Swedish S3 storage here.

Different service classes for different areas of use

Depending on what you want to use the object storage for, there are different classes of services you can choose from. We offer four different classes to meet a wide range of different needs. From data that you just want to put in long-term storage and forget, to data that you will read a billion times a day - all your needs are covered!

See our service classes for object storage (pdf)

Two different APIs

We love open source and we love OpenStack! Everything is implemented with OpenStack in our backend, and you reach the object storage service through our native Swift API. That way you have full compatibility if you already use OpenStack and the Swift API. We also offer an API to AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service). If you've previously written code - or run applications - that work with AWS S3, it will work just as well with us at Binero. Just reuse the code you already have and you're good to go!

These different APIs in turn have different support for functions such as version management, encryption, object locking and much more. Learn more about using object storage on our support pages.

Contact us

Do you have questions about our data storage services? Consult our specialist or fill in the form and we will get back to you directly.

Ask our specialist about data storage

emil cloud expert and customer manager of binero clients

Emil Rydin

Customer manager

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