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  5. Why public cloud at Binero?

Whypublic cloud at Binero?

Choosing the right public cloud provider can be a challenge. Especially when there is an ocean of cloud solutions and providers to choose from. A number of factors influence one's decision, such as area of use, scalability, flexibility, cost and which country the supplier who is storing the data is based in.

With this in mind, we have therefore produced a blog post where we review the advantages of Binero's Swedish public cloud - and why it is a good alternative for Swedish companies and organizations.

Swedish, sustainable and secure

Our Swedish public cloud services are primarily delivered from our own state-of-the-art data center in Stockholm. We supplement this with secondary sites at well-established partners around the region. Using, for example, AWS today is a GDPR risk as personal data can be transferred to the US. All data that is placed with us is handled only in Sweden and is covered by Swedish legislation and GDPR - thus, as a customer with us, you can feel confident that your data never leaves the country.

Local and powerful – managed services and Swedish support

Our locally produced, powerful cloud services enable our customers to innovate and develop quickly, without compromising either security or data integrity. We shorten our customers' time to market by removing technical limitations and offer close cooperation around customer-adapted, cost-effective solutions. We offer all our cloud customers Swedish support and the opportunity to use our managed services. New functionality and new services are continuously added to the portfolio, based on the customers' needs, here and now, as well as on cutting-edge technology trends.

Built on open standards

In today's fast pace of development and constantly changing environment, it is important for many players to choose a cloud provider that does not limit their customers - neither technically nor with long contracts. We offer a scalable cloud infrastructure based on completely open standards, namely the OpenStack platform, with relevant and truly value-creating services in the associated portfolio.

This means that we do not lock our customers into us or our platform. We believe that a modern cloud provider gives its customers the freedom to change both collaboration partners and IT architecture at any time, if they are not satisfied.

Different cloud solutions for different needs

Vi har olika cloudlösningar både för dig som vill hantera din IT helt på egen hand eller för dig som vill ha hjälp med allt från design, implementation och drift av plattformen. Oavsett vilken typ av cloudlösning ni letar efter skräddarsyr vi den åt er kostnadseffektivt och baserat på en situationsanpassad design.

Du kan välja att skapa ett konto och testa direkt, ta en titt på vår tekniska dokumentation eller kontakta oss så hjälper vi dig komma igång.

We have various cloud solutions both for those who want to manage their IT completely on their own or for those who want help with everything from design, implementation and operation of the platform. No matter what type of cloud solution you are looking for, we tailor it for you cost-effectively and based on a situationally adapted design.

You can choose to create an account and test immediately, take a look at our technical documentation or contact us and we'll help you get started.

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