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Binero cloud free trial

a Swedish cloud built on OpenStack

As a new Binero customer, you can of course try the service for free. We are passionate about openness and flexibility, which is why all new accounts are topped up with 1000 SEK without any further commitments.
Illustration with cloud, servers and Swedish flag. Illustration med moln, servrar och svensk flagga.

Build and scale your business with our range of public cloud services

Illustration of computer cloud with servers in it. Illustration av datormoln med servrar i.

Create a user and set up your first instance in 7 minutes

Don't worry about any costs, you get 1000 SEK to use resources for. The server that is set up in the video below costs 13 SEK a day, so you have plenty of time to verify Binero cloud. 

NOTE - Video is in Swedish! English version coming soon.

Illustration. Computer cloud and data servers. Illustration. Datormoln och dataservrar.


We are passionate about openness and flexibility. Therefore, we have built our Swedish cloud services on OpenStack.


The freedom of choice gives you many options - the focus is on providing you with a cloud solution that is cost-effective, flexible, and worry-free.


All data that is digested in our services stays within the Swedish borders and is covered by Swedish legislation and GDPR. We are also ISO-certified according to 9001, 14001 and 27001.

City with energy circuit under dome. Stad med energikretslopp under kupol.

All accounts are topped up with 1000 SEK to use resources for

If you need additional resources to get started and verify our services, reach out to us below and we will find a plan where you can use our experts, resources and free credits.


Create account in binero cloud


When you register an account in the Binero cloud, there are no connections or hidden fees. We believe in the ability to test and verify. When you are satisfied, you can remove your resources and close your account.

Want help getting started? Contact us here.